- Hello Sweet Lake City!!

Well... I do admit it was quite a while ago since I last wrote in this blog. And as you can see I'm writing in English so my beloved family in wonderful Netherlands can read this without get any missunderstanding from Google-translate if I would have written in Swedish!! Because I remember the funny conversations with Shir and Jeff about how the Google translation totally messed up all the words, it was so funny to hear!!

I have now been home for two months, the time have just flew away, even though I'm not really sure what I have been doing all this free time I have had since I came back?! Well I have been searching jobs like hell but I didn't get any yet, beside my old job where I was a dealer in Black Jack. Of course it's a job, but ony in the weekends and I'm so bored during the days that I get sick. It's time for me to get out of this house and do something healthy, and become a human again!

It's hard for me to write down all the stuff that I have been doing since I came home, so I guess I will skip that part and just say it have been nice to come home and meet all of my old friends. Of course I miss you all in Netherlands soo much, and like I have said thousands of times I hope that I can come and visit you all in Sweet Lake City very soon, and it's not an empty promise, I just have to earn some money first and then I will come with the first plane to Schipol =D And that's about the same time when the beautiful flowers starts to show, and thats something I'm really looking forward to!!

Tot ziens!!

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